Saturation comparison

high-contrast contrast formed by "high-purity rose red + low-purity black

The high-contrast contrast formed by "high-purity rose red + low-purity black", when the high saturation color of rose red appears in a large area, in order to balance the natural visual experience, the matching black is also full of color. It also emphasizes the clear and beautiful tones.

High-purity rose red + low-purity gray creates a high-contrast contrast

"High-purity rose red + low-purity gray" creates a high-contrast contrast. The gray caters to the bright rose red, and the whole match is immediately beautiful.

The high-contrast contrast formed by high-purity yellow and low-purity gray

The high-contrast contrast formed by "high-purity yellow and low-purity gray" uses bright yellow as the accent color of high-grade gray, making it dull and full of fashion.

blue grey black

The small area of pure color weakens the contrast, but has the effect of embellishment.

High purity rose red + warm gold contrast

"High purity rose red + warm gold" contrast, many golds have a greenish tint. In addition to being achromatic, you will find that gorgeous gold and rose red even have a complementary color contrast, which adds to the beauty of rose red. An elegant beauty creates a balance between gaudy and high class.